When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close (to them ). I listen to the prayer of every suppliant when he calls on Me.Let them also, with a will , Listen to My call , and believe in Me.That they may walk in the right way.

Surah al -Baqarah-ayat 186

Tuesday 25 March 2014


# Al-Fatihah buat semua penumpang MH370 dan salam takziah untuk keluarga mereka.

 Kehidupan ini kisarnya
tentang menerima hakikat.
Pedih dan sakit itu biasa.
Telan saja.
Suatu masa nanti,
Kita akan berterima kasih
pada Dia atas segala ketetapan
yang menyakitkan hari ini.
Kehidupan ini kisarnya
tentang menerima hakikat.

 to Allah we belong and to Allah we shall return.

Saturday 22 March 2014



You were there to light my day
you were there to guide me through
from my days down and on
I'll never stop thinking of you

How can I forget all that
when you're the one who make me smile
you'll always be apart of me
how I wish you were still mine

Never will forget the day
how we've met and came this far
we all know we got this feeling
but somehow it has to end up here

I know it's me who said goodbye
and that's the hardest thing to do
cause you mean so much to me
and guide the truth from me to you

For all the things I've done and said
for all the hurt that I've cause you
I hope you will forgive me baby
cause that wasn't what I mean to do

You were there to light my day
you were there to guide me through
from my days down and on
I'll never stop thinking of you

How can I forget all that
when you're the one who make me smile
you'll always be a part of me
how I wish you were still mine.


Wednesday 19 March 2014

Final exam is coming !


kelu untuk berkata-kata,
idea pulak kering untuk berbicara, 
dek kerana hilang kosa kata,
sampai taktau nak wat apa. 

tskkk T_T
ni pantu kaa puisi kaa apa, aishhh. hmmm..... 
you you, kite tengah study week ni , dah masuk hari keempat dah tapi kite satu apa pun tak study lagi, sedihnya hidup kite. *poyo jaa dok berkite2
mood study tolong laa datang ke sini, come to mama sayang. Tak lama dah final nak start ni. kalau tak percaya tengok jadual ni :

24/3 (2.15-5.15) : ENT 300
27/3 (2.15-5.15) : AUD 390
1/4 (9.00-12.00) : MAF 330
7/4 (2.15-5.15) : FAR 360
10/4(2.15-5.15) : TAX 370

now, dah percaya belum ? hemohh hemohh

okay, since dah nak final maka dengan itu akan hadirnya macam-macam dugaan dan timbulnya pelbagai jenis perasaan yang tak diingini. Tapi harap-harap semuanya baik-baik saja nanti supaya.......everything will go smoothly :')

sekarang, take note about this :

Andai tiba-tiba putus asa itu hadir
dalam diri ,
berhenti sejenak ..
Toleh ke belakang ,
Lihatlah betapa jauh perjalanan ,
yang kau telah susuri selama ini ..
Jalan berliku itu telah mampu kau
susuri .
Bukankah itu kebanggaan buat
dirimu ?
Teruskan berjalan, berhenti
sejenak ,
menghela nafas dan berjalanlah
semula ..
Kekuatan sebenar adalah dari
semangat ,
yang tidak pernah mahu
mengalah ..
Jangan bimbang ,
Destinasi impian ,
ada di hadapan.



Monday 17 March 2014

semoga hati kuat

Ya Allah,

I know You are listening. Heal my grandmother. Give her the strength to get through the test given 
Ya Allah,
Make me a stronger person today. Make me a better person out of all these. It is no longer bearable for me for my heart is aching and You are the only One who knows how I feel. Nothing is making sense to myself and for anyone else for that matter especially to the one person I wish to understand me better than anybody else.
Ya Allah,
You are the only One who listens and forgives. You are the only One who understands my reasoning and the only One who understands my actions. You are the only One who deserves to punish me for my actions and the only One who can make this go away. I believe in the things that You do for You will ease the pain and help me be a better person out of these.
Ya Allah,
I don’t dare to question why this is happening to me because everything is set in stone and You are the only One who knows best. I believe in You Ya Allah. I believe in the goodness You blesses me with and the hardships You put me through. I believe in You. I believe that if You are willing, someday, all these will be worth the pain and hurt.
Ya Allah,
I am only a human with sins bigger than any mountains visible to human eyes. Forgive me Ya Allah. Forgive me. Give me the strength to hold on to the only thing that’s making sense right now. My faith in You. You know what is best for me and if the only way for me to deserve it is by having to face all these, I accept it with an open heart and mind.